Mustafa Saifuddin Salman

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Programming, scripting & object-oriented languages (Python, PHP, C, JavaScript, Java), markup languages (HTML/CSS, LaTeX), version control systems (Git, SVN) etc.
Data science, scientific computing (MATLAB, R), machine learning & artificial intelligence (SciPy, TensorFlow, PyTorch, CUDA etc.)
Distributed computing, high performance computing (SLURM, PBS), MPI, and cloud infrastructure (AWS, S3)
Application development, web, Android & database
Operating systems (Windows, Linux & OS X)


Senior Modeler, Moody’s RMS, Newark, CA, USA 2022–Present
Prototyped and certified catastrophe risk models before deployment in the client-facing products.

Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging & Data Science (TReNDS), Atlanta, GA, USA 2019–Present
Analyzed high-dimensionalbrain imaging data to identify predictive patterns of function in the healthy and diseased human brain.

Graduate Research Assistant, Mind Research Network, Albuquerque, NM, USA 2015–2019
Analyzed high-dimensionalbrain imaging data to identify predictive patterns of function in the healthy and diseased human brain.

Co-founder & CTO, Dimik Infotech, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2011–2015
Developed software for Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) brokers, and web and mobile applications for offshore small business clients.

Web Application Developer, Technobd Web Solutions, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2009–2011
Developed web and mobile applications according to client requirements.


Ph.D., Electrical & Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Summer 2019–Present
Major: ECE Minor: Industrial & Systems Engineering

M.Sc., Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico, Fall 2015–Spring 2019
Major: ECE, Emphasis: Bioengineering

M.B.A., Institute of Business Administration, Dhaka University, Bangladesh, 2013
Major: Finance, Minor: Marketing
Dissertation: Financial Feasibility of a Stock Simulation Program

B.S., Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, 2009
Major: Communications, Minor: Electronics
Dissertation: A Study On IPTV: An Emphasis On Quality Control


Please see the Publications page.


High performance computing, authored a documentation for using high performance computing (HPC) systems, 2020
Cloud infrastructure experience, migrated 1 PetaByte of research data using AWS & S3, 2019.
Open source contribution, authored about 25 open source project repositories on Github, 2015–Present.
Competition hosting, hosted the TReNDS Neuroimaging competition on Kaggle, 2020.
Outreach activity, volunteering as a technical advisor at the Brain Space Initiative, an outreach program providing equal opportunity for researchers and students across the world, 2020-Present.
Entrepreneurship, co-founded a stock-market software start-up, Dimik Infotech Ltd. in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2011-2015.
Developer advisor at, voluntarily answering computer programming questions, 2012–Present
Brain data analysis workshops, provided assistance to the participants of the biennial “The Mind Research Network (MRN) fMRI Image Acquisition and Analyses Course with SPM and ICA”, 2016–Present.

Honors & Awards

Doctoral Conference Presentation Award, UNM, $1000 each, 2018 & 2017
Second annual student paper competition, ECE-GSA, UNM- 3rd place (conference category), 2017
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Conference travel grant, $1000, 2017
UNM App Contest, LoboTutor app, 4th place, 2016-17

Professional Memberships

Graduate member, Society for Neuroscience, 2019–Present
Member, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2017–Present
Student member, IEEE & IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2016–Present